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Ventilation systems™ is a specialized ventilation systems and access panels company supplying goods to all over the world. Our range includes only EU-certified products with the highest standards - cooker hoods, ventilation modules, aluminum deflectors, ducts and connections, duct insulation materials, fastening accessories, recuperators, access panels, vent covers, ventilation chimneys, domestic and industrial fans, fan speed controllers, fireplace heating systems.
About 95% goods we keep on stock, therefore we will deliver the goods to the door in Europe within 7-14 days, other countries within 14-28 days (except inaccessible regions).
14.19 €
18.94 €
Universal set of magnets for access panels MU1
Save - 25 %
From 1,010.12 €
1,346.81 €
Vehicle exhaust extraction system IDNS ≤1950 m³/h
Save - 25 % Save - 25 %
9.06 €
12.08 €
Vent cover with shutter ALETA 02-368, 172x172 mm, Ø80-150 mm
Save - 25 %
From 575.28 €
958.80 €
Wall mounted cooker hoods Decor 787 white without motor
Save - 40 % Save - 40 %
1,917.39 €
2,556.52 €
Welding fume extraction system SDNS-055 ≤1000 m³/h
Save - 25 %
From 81.52 €
116.45 €
Window fan with automatic shutter ECOWIND
Save - 30 % Save - 30 %
45° plastic ducts elbows PO45
From 7.14 €
9.51 €
Access panels Plastic-GRAPHITE
Save - 25 % Save - 25 %
From 27.50 €
36.68 €
Access panels with lock Line DMZ
Save - 25 % Save - 25 %
From 25.91 €
47.11 €
Accoustic air valves Silent DPNN
Save - 45 % Save - 45 %
13.66 €
Adhesive insulation tape for joints ARM50/15/3, 15 m
From 67.24 €
103.44 €
Air damper actuators NENUTEC Standard 2/3
Save - 35 % Save - 35 %
From 37.81 €
50.41 €
Air filter box OFD
Save - 25 % Save - 25 %
From 1,439.90 €
2,057.00 €
Air handling units with counterflow plate heat exchangers Domekt CF
Save - 30 % Save - 30 %
201.57 €
287.96 €
Air quality sensor with timer SQA
Save - 30 %
From 19.95 €
26.61 €
Air vents for ducts SOG
Save - 25 % Save - 25 %
12.74 €
16.99 €
Aluminum foil tape AS252, thickness 130 µm, 4.8 cm x 45 m, -40 - +120 °C
Save - 25 %
166.35 €
369.67 €
Antistatic, antibacterial, antifungal flexible duct HDPE63A, 50 m roll
Save - 55 %
179.69 €
399.30 €
Antistatic, antibacterial, antifungal, odour-killing flexible duct SPECTRA HDPE75/1000A, 50 m roll
Save - 55 %

How to choose the most suitable ventilation system?

The selection of the ventilation system depends on the purpose of the premises.

Regarding the ventilation systems of industrial or public premises, it is necessary to contact the designers. Depending on the size or characteristics of the premises, the design and calculation of the system must be carried out with a special design program, the required air flows are accurately estimated.

The design and installation of the ventilation system of a house or apartment is not as complicated as in industrial premises, so it is not necessary to contact the designers. As a result, the price of the ventilation system will not increase.

We will discuss in more detail the ventilation systems installed in an apartment or house. Such systems can also be installed in offices, hairdressers, shops, cafes or restaurants, small workshops, garages and other small premises.

Types of ventilation systems

There are five types of ventilation systems for houses and apartments that we can offer you, complete and deliver:

1. Self-ventilation (natural ventilation) is such a ventilation system when no electric ventilation devices are used. Only openings in walls or ventilation shafts are installed, or ducts or ventilation pipes are led out. To complete such a system, ventilation grills or diffusers are used. Air circulation in the premises will depend on the strength and direction of the wind. During the cold period of the year, you will lose a lot of heat. The price of this system will be the lowest, but the efficiency is poor, there may not be enough fresh air in the premises, moisture may accumulate.

Advantages: low price, simple installation, quiet, does not use electricity

Disadvantages: poorly controlled air flows, a lot of heat loss in the cold season, excess air humidity in the rooms, mold on the walls

Recommended: in non-residential premises where constant air exchange is not necessary (attic, storeroom)

2. Semi-forced - by installing rotating chimney cowls (deflectors) for ventilation on the roof of the premises. Such a ventilation system may also not be very efficient and cannot be applied everywhere, its effectiveness depends on the wind - the stronger the wind, the stronger the negative pressure created in the ventilation system. And vice versa. To make it easier to understand: rotating chimney cowl is rotated by the wind, the higher the wind, the higher the draft of air from the premises, the lower wind, the lower the draft. If there is no wind, there may be no traction at all. Air flows are regulated inside the rooms by installing ventilation grills or air diffusers in both the air supply and air extraction openings. The average wind speed (at a height of 10 m) in Lithuania, depending on the region and time of year, is 2.7 - 5.5 m/s. When installing such a system, you will also lose a lot of heat in the cold season.

Advantages: low price, simple installation, quiet, does not use electricity, more efficient than self-powered

Disadvantages: moderate air flow control, a lot of heat loss in the cold season

Recommended: in sparsely occupied premises (gardens, summerhouses), not very sealed or uninhabited premises where constant air exchange is not necessary (attic, storeroom), larger diameter ventilation deflectors - installed on hangars, larger warehouses, farm buildings, apartment buildings.

3. Forced ventilation system with fans for air supply and air exhaust. The essence of this ventilation system is to supply fresh outdoor air to the premises with a supply fan or an air supply chamber, the supplied air is filtered and heated if necessary, and the used air is thrown outside, this is done by an air extraction fan. Effectively controlled air flows by controlling the fan speed with a speed regulator and air diffusers.

Advantages: full air flow control, protection against mold, fresh air indoors, low-medium price, simple installation, noise level depends on the quality and efficiency of the selected fans, installation location, electricity consumption as well

Disadvantages: a lot of heat is lost in the cold season, high electricity consumption

Recommended: in farm buildings where animals are kept, in storage rooms where it is not necessary to maintain a high temperature but some air exchange is required

Forced recuperative ventilation system which is divided into two types - centralized recuperative system and decentralized recuperative system.

4. A centralized recuperation system is such a room ventilation system when one heat recovery unit (recuperator) is installed into which the extraction and supply ducts of all rooms are fed, and the air exhaust and air supply ducts are taken outside.

Advantages: full air flow control, indoor comfort, protection against mold, fresh air, medium-high price, simple installation (in newly installed premises), noise and electricity consumption depend on the quality of the fans of the selected device and the installation location, convenient management.

Disadvantages: higher price than other systems

Recommended: in all residential, public premises, offices, hairdressers, cafes and restaurants.

5. A decentralized recuperation system is a system where a mini heat recovery units (HRU) or recuperators is installed in each room.

Sometimes one mini-recuperator is enough in the premises (one person lives in a one-room apartment, or one person works in a small workshop). We recommend consulting for this.

Advantages: full air flow control (when installed in all rooms), comfort, protection against mold, fresh air, low-medium price, simple installation (one hole in the outside wall is enough), extremely low electricity consumption, convenient control (if the device is equipped with a remote control, programmable).

Disadvantages: when installing a mini recuperator in every room, noise is possible, even if it is small

Recommended: in all residential and public premises, offices, hairdressers, cafes and restaurants, gardens, summer houses, garages.


Why should you choose ventilation systems?

Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia, maybe Finland or United Kingdom? It doesn't matter where you live - we advise everyone by phone, we deliver goods to your door very quickly, because we keep about 95% of the range in stock and import almost everything ourselves. Therefore, we can offer good prices and fast delivery.

How to choose the most suitable ventilation system?

Contact us and tell us in which rooms you would like to install the system. If you have a room plan, send us a copy of it. Specify the purpose of the premises, how many people will work or live there, what is the height of the premises. Then we will be able to assess the situation and provide an optimal ventilation equipment offer.

We note that the installation of the ventilation system is not our field, we are only engaged in trade. However, we will always be able to advise you on how to install it, calculate air flows, where and how to install a fan, recuperator, ducts, ventilation grills or other ventilation equipment.